Please be careful with illegal recruiters. We received a private message from JR regarding
a scam.
JR is a physical
therapist in one of the hospitals in Saudi Arabia. He's looking for better
opportunity in UAE by signing up and applying for jobs in outsourcing websites.
Last August 21, 2016, he received an Appointment Letter from Al Neyadi Travel
and Tours for a job in Ahalia Hospital. The salary being offered was high and
very appealing. He was asked to pay $4,200 through Western Union or Moneygram for
the processing fees, documentations, courier and family visa. JR asked his
friend in Abu Dhabi to verify the appointment letter with Ahalia Hostipal but
it turned out that everything was a fraud. JR wanted to make sure that he was
no missing a big opportunity so he called Ahalia Hospital himself. The HR
personnel of the hospital also confirmed that the contract was fake and that
the HR did not sent him any email.
JR wanted to share this experience to warn everybody specially our
fellow Filipinos of this scam. Thank you JR!
Here is the email that was sent to JR:
Today at 2:37 AM
We received your application and confirmed the Authenticity through the Human Resource Department of The Ahalia Hospital ABU DHABI - UAE ,concerning your job and the issuance of your working permits/entry visa. We therefore confirm further details as follows :
In order to commence processing your work and residence permits/entry visa into UAE, you have to send/complete the applicant working/entry visa application form. Return to us as scanned Email attachments, along with the below identification documents:
1) Data page of International passport
2) Filled visa/work permits application form
3) A passport sized photograph
You have to complete the registration form and sendalong-with per-requisite Government/Immigration charges below:
A) Work Permit Fee: -------------------------- USD 350.00
B) Residence Permit Fee: ---------------------- USD 300.00
C) Release Documents: ------------------------USD 400.00
D) Entry Clearance Fee:-------------------------USD 250.00
E) Courier /Dispatch: --------------------------- USD 200.00
Total: USD 1,500.00
Payment for Family Status Processing is USD 2,700 , and this will cover for your entire family. Also Include the passport copies/photos of your family members. Please send the above fees strictly via Western Union Or Money Gram to the attention of the processing officer .
Please use Western Union Or Money Gram, as a means of payment, because this is the easiest and the most effective way to receive money within a short period of time, especially with the urgency attached to the processing of your Application.
Get back to us to enable us provide you with our Western Union Or Money Gram Payment details:
We will send you by courier service the original work permit/entry visa and all the hard copies of documents to your forwarding address, please indicate your preferred postal address while reverting with the work permit requirements.
We will also send you the Air ticket to fly from your Current Location to Abu Dhabi after the process is completed.
The Air Ticket will be provided by the Hospital's Management .
Thanks in advance for your kind understanding and co-operation as we whilst immensely for your soonest co-operation.
Yours faithfully,
Behind National Exchange,
Liwa St, P.O. Box: 26164,
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
TELEPHONE: +971 527 325 087
Here is the first and last page of the Appointment Letter they sent to JR: